Welcome to Hippomaps Toolbox!


This project is under active development.

Hippomaps TOOLBOX.. ..

Hippomaps πŸ€οƒ

This is a toolbox and repository for open source mapping and contextualization of hippocampal data, paralleling surface-based mapping of the neocortex. This is partnered with a repository of mapped data at OSF.

Documentation πŸ“οƒ

See here for installation instructions, details on all tools provided, and tutorial walkthroughs.

Overview πŸ‘οΈοƒ

HippoMaps provides tools for mapping data the folded and unfolded hippocampus are designed to work seamlessly with outputs generated by HippUnfold. In the tutorials , we provide examples for mapping:

  • laminar ex-vivo histology at the microscale

  • structural MRI at 3T and 7T

  • resting state fMRI properties and connectivity

  • spatially scattered intracranial EEG (iEEG) recodings

  • task-fMRI data mapping with nilearn

  • comparison between maps and dimensionality reduction

These tutorials provide clear examples of how the tools here can be used, but for shorter examples and usage notes, see also demos .

Other relevant repositories πŸ—‚οΈοƒ





NiLearn <https://nilearn.github.io/stable/index.html>`_


Join the Open Source Adventure!πŸš€οƒ

No contribution is too small! Whether you’re fixing a bug, adding a feature, or improving documentation, every contribution counts!
