

This notebook will examine ex-vivo histology data from the BigBrain, 3D PLI, and AHEAD brain datasets. First wewill look at morphological features in unfolded space

[ ]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nibabel as nib
import scipy
import hippomaps as hm
# locate input data
source_dir = '../../publication-hippomaps/sourcedata/BIDS_HISTO/'
hippunfold_dir = '../../publication-hippomaps/hippunfold/HISTO_v1.3.0_100um/hippunfold/'

# define which subjects and surfaces to examine
subs = ['bbhist', 'bbhist', 'bbhist2', 'bbhist2', 'pli3d', '122017', '122017', '152017', '152017']
ses = ''
hemis = ['L','R','L','R','L','L','R','L','R']
labels = ['hipp']

# here we will generate multiple depth-wise surfaces
depths = np.linspace(-0.25,1.25,num=25)
gm = np.where(np.logical_and(depths>=0,  depths <=1))[0]

# get expected number of vertices and their indices
nV,iV = hm.config.get_nVertices(labels,den)

0) Map and load volumetric data to surfaces

As in all tutorials here, this step is OPTIONAL, and provides an example of how data can be mapped to hippocampal surfaces outside of python (using ANTs and/or wb_command). This relies on having the data stored locally, and should be considered example code. This code may differ depending on where/how your data is stored and formatted, and so may require some customization for new projects. For the purposes of this tutorial, we provide a matrix of loaded data at the end, so skip to the next step.

In this example, we loop through samples (that is, subjects and hemipsheres) and generate surfaces at different depths using the wb_command tool. Then, we loop through each modality and sample the data to those surfaces. Finally, we load the data from all surfaces into a single matrix.

[ ]:
# Create surfaces at various depths
hipp_dat = np.zeros([nV,len(layers), len(subs)])*np.nan
for s,sub in enumerate(subs):
    cmd = f'mkdir -p {hippunfold_dir}/sub-{sub}/surf/depths'
    for l,layer in enumerate(layers):
        cmd1 = f'wb_command -surface-cortex-layer '\
            f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{sub}/surf/sub-{sub}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_space-corobl_den-{den}_label-{label}_inner.surf.gii '\
            f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{sub}/surf/sub-{sub}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_space-corobl_den-{den}_label-{label}_outer.surf.gii '\
            f'{layer} '\
        cmd2 = f'wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping '\
            f'{source_dir}/sub-{sub}/anat/sub-{sub}_hemi-{hemis[s]}.nii.gz '\
            f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{sub}/surf/depths/sub-{sub}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_layer-{layer}.surf.gii '\
            f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{sub}/surf/depths/sub-{sub}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_layer-{layer}_intensity-default.shape.gii '\
        gii = nib.load(f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{sub}/surf/depths/sub-{sub}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_layer-{layer}_intensity-default.shape.gii')
        hipp_dat[:,l,s] = gii.darrays[0].data
[ ]:
# add extra modalities from AHEAD
ahead_additional_modalities =  ['Bieloschowsky-interpolated', 'calbindin-interpolated', 'calretinin-interpolated', 'parvalbumin-interpolated', 'thionin-interpolated', 'MRI-proton-density', 'MRI-quantitative-R1', 'MRI-quantitative-R2star']
for m,modality in enumerate(ahead_additional_modalities):
    for s in [5,6,7,8]:
        vol = np.zeros((hipp_dat.shape[:2]))
        for l,layer in enumerate(layers):
            cmd2 = f'wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping '\
                f'{source_dir}/sub-{subs[s]}/anat/sub-{subs[s]}_{modality}.nii.gz '\
                f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{subs[s]}/surf/depths/sub-{subs[s]}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_layer-{layer}.surf.gii '\
                f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{subs[s]}/surf/depths/sub-{subs[s]}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_layer-{layer}_intensity-{modality}.shape.gii '\
            gii = nib.load(f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{subs[s]}/surf/depths/sub-{subs[s]}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_layer-{layer}_intensity-{modality}.shape.gii')
            vol[:,l] = gii.darrays[0].data
        hipp_dat = np.concatenate((hipp_dat, np.expand_dims(vol,axis=2)), axis=2)

np.save("../checkpoints/struct-HISTO-unproc",hipp_dat, allow_pickle=True)

1) Load, plot, and preprocess all surface data

Here, we use the data already loaded into a large matrix from the previous step). This matrix hipp_dat has a shape of (number of vertices nV) x (number of surface depths) x (number of samples OR features)

[ ]:
hipp_dat = np.load("../checkpoints/struct-HISTO-unproc",hipp_dat)
# inspect some example maps. We will plot all data as if it were from a left hemisphere, for simplicity.
# Note that here, we average across all depths that are within the hippocampal bounds (i.e. depths 0-1)
examples = [0,4,6,10,13]
cdata = hipp_dat[:,:,examples]
hm.plotting.surfplot_canonical_foldunfold(np.nanmean(cdata[:,gm],axis=1), labels=labels, hemis=['L'], den=den, size=[350,270], tighten_cwindow=True, embed_nb=True)


Clearly these images will need some preprocessing to account for issues like missing data, impofect alignment between AHEAD stains, and imperfect surfaces

Missing data

For this, we will set all background values (sometimes 0, sometimes an integer like 2 or -1) to NaN. Then we will find outliers and also set them to NaN. Then we will dilate the mask of NaNs, because some edge cases are not exactly 0, but are not plausible values either. Then, we will interpolate the NaNs (linear) and extrapolate any remaining values (nearest)

def fill_missing(cdata):
    cdata[np.isin(cdata, [-1,0,1,2])] = np.nan # any of these values are very likely from background

    # find LOCAL outliers (smooth the image and then find values that are >4 S.D. from the smoothed version)
    cdata_localOutliers = cdata - scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(cdata,[10,10,1])
    cdata_localOutliers = scipy.stats.zscore(cdata_localOutliers, axis=None, nan_policy='omit')
    cdata[cdata_localOutliers>4] = np.nan
    cdata[cdata_localOutliers<-4] = np.nan

    # take edges off missing data too
    cdata[np.where(scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(np.isnan(cdata), structure = np.ones((5,5,5))))] = np.nan

    # interpolate NaNs
    good = np.where(~np.isnan(cdata))
    bad = np.where(np.isnan(cdata))
    fill = scipy.interpolate.griddata(good, cdata[good], bad)
    cdata[bad] = fill

    # extrapolate any values that are still missing
    good = np.where(~np.isnan(cdata))
    bad = np.where(np.isnan(cdata))
    fill = scipy.interpolate.griddata(good, cdata[good], bad, method='nearest')
    cdata[bad] = fill
    return cdata

Alignment method

Here we develop a tool to depth-wise or laminar align profiles, since the grey matter boundaries may not be perfect. We use only translations, and maximize the correlation between each profile and the average. This can be applied either over the whole image or over image patches, and we will illustrate an example using each.

# view an example set of laminar profiles from the first sample

sub = subs[0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(32, 4))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fcea510ac10>

Note that the very top and very bottom of the data actually come from outside of our original hippocampal bounds, since surfaces were extrapolated out over these areas.

Notice how in some areas the profiles are raised or lowered. Ths can happen due to imperfect segmentation - sometimes the hippocampal boundaries may have been inadvertently shifted upwards or downwards. In the AHEAD dataset this can also arise because even when segmentation is perfect, the alignment between the different modalities is still off. This is the problem we aim to correct here.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(32, 4))
tdat = hm.utils.profile_align(hipp_dat[:,:,s])
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fcea4f64d30>

The default profile_align method aligns each profile to a global average of all profiles. This is computationally relatively fast, and robust since it won’t be affected by local “drift” of a segmentation or registration away from the actual hippocampal boundaries. However, it is less precise than a local average seen below.

# to apply local averaging of profiles, we need to define how far apart the vertices are and how they are connected. This will be done on a midthickness surface
gii = nib.load(f'{hippunfold_dir}/sub-{sub}/surf/sub-{sub}_hemi-{hemis[s]}_space-corobl'\
V = gii.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET')[0].data
F = gii.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE')[0].data

# now we can apply the local profile alignment method
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(32, 4))
tdat = utils.profile_align(hipp_dat[:,:,s], patchdist=5,V,F) # note then when patchdis is not None, we need to include V and F as optional arguments
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff5b17b4250>

Profile_align within 5mm patches seems to give the clean results, but is much slower than aligning to the whole-sample mean. Also this is more susceptible to systematic drift of the images away from the surfaces, which happens in the AHEAD dataset since the different images aren’t perfectly aligned to the blockface image on which surfaces were generated.

# Now that we've defined our outlier handling and microstructural profile alignment methods, we can apply them to all subjects.
# Here we also apply z-score normalization for easier comparison between image types, which can otherwise have drastically different ranges.

hipp_dat_clean = np.zeros(hipp_dat.shape)
for s in range(hipp_dat.shape[2]):
    cdata = np.reshape(hipp_dat[:,:,s], [126,254,25])
    # missing data
    cdata = fill_missing(cdata)
    # profile alignment
    cdata = utils.profile_align(np.reshape(cdata,(nverts,25)),V,F)
    # normalize with interpolated data
    cdata = scipy.stats.zscore(cdata, axis=None)

    hipp_dat_clean[:,:,s] = np.reshape(cdata,[nverts,25])
# inspect some example maps
examples = [0,4,6,10,13]
cdata = hipp_dat_clean[:,:,examples]
hm.plotting.surfplot_canonical_foldunfold(np.nanmean(cdata[:,gm],axis=1), labels=labels, hemis=['L'], den=den, size=[350,270], tighten_cwindow=True, embed_nb=True)
np.save("../checkpoints/struct-HISTO-proc",hipp_dat_clean, allow_pickle=True)

2) Group average and laminar microstructural profiles

This looks pretty good, so lets run some analyses. First we average within the same stain types, and look at some laminar profiles.

At this stage we will also discard the bigbrain2 (bbhist2) samples since they require further 3D reconstruction refinement at this time. We will also discard the 9.4T MRI data here. We’ll group that together with the 7T MRI data and examine it in that tutorial

hipp_dat_clean = np.load("../checkpoints/struct-HISTO-proc.npy")
# group subjects within the same modality
modalities = ['Merker', 'PLI-transmittance', 'Blockface', 'Bieloschowsky', 'Calbindin', 'Calretinin', 'Parvalbumin', 'Thionin']#, 'ProtonDensity', 'qR1', 'qR2star']

modality_data = np.stack((np.nanmean(hipp_dat_clean[:,:,0:1],axis=2), hipp_dat_clean[:,:,4]),axis=2) # EXCLUDING bb2 for now
for m in range(6):
    modality_data = np.concatenate((modality_data, np.nanmean(hipp_dat_clean[:,:,(m*4 +5):(m*4 +9)],axis=2)[:,:,None]),axis=2)
(32004, 25, 8)

Now we have data in the shape of (number of vertices nV) x (number of depths) x (number of stains)

hm.plotting.surfplot_canonical_foldunfold(np.nanmean(modality_data[:,gm,:],axis=1), labels=labels, hemis=['L'], unfoldAPrescale=True, den=den, color_bar='right', share='row',  tighten_cwindow=True, embed_nb=True)

View Laminar profiles

Here we will view laminar profiles averaged within band across the anterior-posterior and then proximal-distal axes of the hippocampus.

Because we are working with den='unfoldiso' surfaces, we can reshape the number of vertices from 32K into 126x254. This way, we can average rows or columns to get a sense of how the profiles are changing in either direction

md = np.reshape(modality_data,[126,254,25,len(modalities)])
nsamp=5 # how many band to separate the data into
sampPD = np.linspace(0,126,nsamp+1).astype('int') # get sampling indices by dividing this axis into nsamp bands

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(modalities), ncols=nsamp, figsize=(1*nsamp,1*len(modalities)))
for s in range(len(modalities)):

    # get limites for all axes in this row
    l = np.nanmean(md[:,:,gm,s],axis=2).flatten()
    lims = [min(l)-.5, max(l)+.5]

    for i in range(nsamp):
        # average within each nsamp band
        dat = np.nanmean(md[sampPD[i]:sampPD[i+1],:,:,s],axis=(0,1))

        # colour by intensity, and gry out data outside of the grey matter bounds
        col = plt.cm.viridis(dat)
        col[:,:][depths<0] = 0.5
        col[:,:][depths>1] = 0.5

        # plot
        ax[s,nsamp-i-1].scatter(depths,dat, c=col, edgecolors='black')
        ax[s,nsamp-i-1].tick_params(left = False, right = False , labelleft = False ,
                labelbottom = False, bottom = False)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

Note that for some stains, there is considerable variation in the shape of profiles across this axis. The first row (Merker stain) is a good example, which goes from a tight distribution at the distal areas (such as CA2 and CA3) to a shallower, almost bimodal distribution at the proximal areas (subiculum)

nsamp=5 # how many band to separate the data into
sampAP = np.linspace(0,254,nsamp+1).astype('int') # get sampling indices by dividing this axis into nsamp bands

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(modalities), ncols=nsamp, figsize=(1*nsamp,1*len(modalities)))
for s in range(len(modalities)):

    # get limites for all axes in this row
    l = np.nanmean(md[:,:,gm,s],axis=2).flatten()
    lims = [min(l)-.5, max(l)+.5]

    for i in range(nsamp):
        # average within each nsamp band
        dat = np.nanmean(md[:,sampAP[i]:sampAP[i+1],:,s],axis=(0,1))

        # colour by intensity, and gry out data outside of the grey matter bounds
        col = plt.cm.viridis(dat)
        col[:,:][depths<0] = 0.5
        col[:,:][depths>1] = 0.5

        # plot
        ax[s,nsamp-i-1].scatter(depths,dat, c=col, edgecolors='black')
        # ax[s,nsamp-i-1].axis('off')
        ax[s,nsamp-i-1].tick_params(left = False, right = False , labelleft = False ,
                labelbottom = False, bottom = False)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

Here we see that profiles are relatively constant between rows. This means that profiles don’t differ as greatly across the anterior-posterior extent of the hippocampus.

3) Summarize data according to primary gradients

Dimensionality reduction allows us to summarize many maps as primary components, or Gradients. Here we will use BrainSpace to compute nonlinear Gradients using diffusion map embedding. Briefly, this typically consists of computing an affinity matrix (e.g. a correlation between all maps) and then grouping them into a few consistent patterns (Gradients). In this case, we will consider not only the correlation between maps, but also across depths. All depths from a given vertex are sometimes called microstructural profiles (MPs), and the similarity between all profiles is thus a microstructural profile covariance (MPC) matrix. In this case we also consider multiple modalities, making a multimodal MPC (mMPC).

# here, we will use a few more tools (build_mpc is borrowed from micapipe)

from hippomaps.build_mpc import build_mpc
from brainspace.gradient import GradientMaps
mMP = np.reshape(modality_data[:,gm,:],(126*254,-1)).T #flatten. Each vertex now has a vector of depths for all modalities.
mMPC, I, problemNodes = build_mpc(np.concatenate((mMP,np.mean(mMP,axis=0).reshape((1,-1))))) # compute mMPC
/export03/data/hippomaps/hippomaps/build_mpc.py:116: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  MPC = 0.5 * np.log( np.divide(1 + R, 1 - R) )
# plot the mMPC to get a sense of similarity between vertices.
plt.imshow(mMPC, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='bwr')
(-0.5, 32003.5, 32003.5, -0.5)
# multimodal gradient map (mGM) decomposition using default parameters
mGM = GradientMaps(n_components=5)
# As above, we can make a nice plot for each of the resulting gradients
hm.plotting.surfplot_canonical_foldunfold(mGM.gradients_, labels=labels, hemis=['L'], unfoldAPrescale=True, den=den, cmap='plasma', color_bar='right', share='row',  tighten_cwindow=False, embed_nb=True)
# we can also see the lambda value (or eigenvalue) for each gradient
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fce8c291310>]
# convert into a percentage of explained variance
array([0.4627413 , 0.26960774, 0.14327609, 0.07741928, 0.04695559])


# save a copy of the 2D map
dataset = ['BigBrain','BigBrain','AxerPLI','AHEAD','AHEAD','AHEAD','AHEAD']
for m,modality in enumerate(modalities):
    cdat = np.nanmean(modality_data[:,:,gm,m],axis=2).flatten()
    data_array = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(data=cdat)
    image = nib.gifti.GiftiImage()
    method = "histology" if m<8 else "MRI-9p4T"
    sample = "1" if m==1 else "4"
    nib.save(image, f'../maps/HippoMaps-initializationMaps/Dataset-{dataset[m]}/{method}-{modality}_average-{sample}_hemi-mix_den-{den}_label-{label}.shape.gii')